Tag: career

  • You don’t want to miss out on this virtual career fair

    It’s not easy for parents to balance out their time between work and family, but it sure is not impossible. Embark on a new career that promises work-life balance when you visit this virtual career fair. From working parents longing for more family time or looking to make a mid-career switch, they’ve got the career…

  • From Mommy to Mompreneur

    Jagariti Mathur is a mommy with a 2.5 year old daughter. In this article, she shares with us her journey from a mother to a mompreneur. Dear Mommies, First, I would like to congratulate you all for doing a great job as a mom! I am also a mom like you. I have a 2.5…

  • Coping with Working-Mum Guilt

    Parenting is not a walk in the park. Whether you fall into the category of stay-at-home, working-mum, or work-from-home for that matter, there are unique challenges that await. While stay-at-home mums tend to feel stifled and unappreciated for their contribution towards the family, on top of never knowing how their career would have panned out…