
To Meet

We are super excited about our new programme for expecting mothers and their babies.

  • Parenting Through a Divorce – Part 1 of 4

    Many children go through the stresses of a divorce every year. When couples go through a divorce, it is common for them to feel overwhelmed by having to deal with the situation, their own feelings, and the feelings of their children, all at once. This four-part series will give you some advice on how to…

  • Why You Need A Calm-Down Corner At Home

    Despite our best efforts in being understanding towards our children and their needs, they tend to get emotionally dysregulated. When you find your child getting restless or agitated, a calm-down corner might just be the best thing for your child to retreat to with you for some cuddling, cartoons, or to read a book together.…

  • Recognising Your Child’s Mental Health Problems

    Taboo or not, mental health problems are real and quite common among children. Fret not though, as they are treatable, especially when you make it a point to look out for any issues your child may be facing. While one in five children live with at least one clinically diagnosed mental health problem, close to…

  • 5 Tips for Successful Timeouts

    Timeouts are a form of behavioural modification that involves separating children from the environment in which they misbehave. The goal of timeouts is to remove the child from the enjoyable environment as a form of discipline for their unacceptable behaviour. This form of discipline is especially common in western cultures, and Asian parents have begun…

  • 5 Phrases You Should Never Use

    Remember that one time your parents said something that hurt you and it stuck with you forever? And the other time…and that other time? Have you caught yourself saying the same thing to your child? The truth is that we often repeat phrases we grew up hearing, especially the ones we hated most. The human…

  • Positive Attention: Putting More Time In for fewer Time-Outs

    A positive relationship with your child is crucial for many reasons — especially discipline. A healthy and wholesome relationship with your child will make them strive to do their best as you lead them through life, and a large part of fostering this kind of relationship involves positive attention. A daily dose of positive attention…

  • Raising Healthy Children in a Digital Age – Part 2

    We can’t run from technology, so we best do what we can to live well with it. Our last installation for this topic listed tips for raising healthy children in a digital age, and we’re back with 5 tips for developing healthy digital habits for your children.  5 tips for developing healthy digital habits 1.…

  • Raising Healthy Children in a Digital Age – Part 1

    Like it or not, we live in an age where technology is everywhere. Feeling confident that we will keep our children healthy in a digital age is not enough, considering they spend a substantial amount of time with technology.  While you think about how mobile devices impact your child’s social, emotional, physical and psychological well…

  • Do Your Kids Know Road Safety?

    Recently in May, there was a heart-wrenching accident that happened on the west side of Singapore. It was about a six-year-old kid that was run over by a bus. With due respect to the mourning family, we decided to broach the subject later. Put the why, how and who is to blame aside and think,…

  • Helping Your Children Develop Good Judgment

    As grown-ups, many of us are crippled by uncertainty when faced with tough situations or choices. Some of us tend to make self-destructive decisions, repeatedly demonstrating poor judgment. As much as we want to avoid mistakes, no one is born with perfect judgment and the ability to always make smart choices. It takes a combination…