Four job ideas for stay-at-home mothers

Stay-at-home mums, we have a question for you—has the thought of going back to work or start working ever crossed your mind? Maybe you miss the thrill of working and the challenges that come with it, or maybe you just want to provide for your family during this pandemic—whatever the reason is, do you wish to look for a side income?

“Being a mother is not just a full-time job, it is a lifetime commitment.”

After spending so much time as stay-at-home mums, we understand that you will have worries and uncertainties about what the future will hold if you make this shift. You will no longer have all the time in the world for the little ones and you will probably have less time to cook their favourite meals for dinner—are these reasons stopping you from submitting that resume? Because if they are, rest assured that there are ways for you to work, be there for your children, and be free of any working-mum guilt.

Being a mother is not just a full-time job, it is a lifetime commitment. There are no “off-hours” when it comes to fulfilling your responsibilities as a mother. As such, mothers who are seeking a source of income require a role that is flexible in hours and is compatible with their lifestyles.

Here are four jobs suitable for stay-at-home mothers

Home baker

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your baking skills? Whether you stay true to your family’s recipe or you follow through a recipe you found online, if it tastes good and looks amazing, it is good to sell! Baking does not require you to cook outside, which means you get to bake at home and spend your time with your family—as per usual! With the proper baking tools and ingredients, you can start selling to your neighbours first, and then slowly grow your business by creating an online presence on social media. And did you know that during this pandemic, the sales of home-baked goods has flourished in Singapore? This is a calling for all stay-at-home mums who have a knack for baking to whisk away!


As you may have already known, Singaporeans are keen to invest in their appearance. So, why not use this opportunity to become a solopreneur yourself by selling beauty products? Other than selling to your friends and family, you can also sell your products online. By utilising online shopping platforms, you get to sell your products all from the comfort of your own home.


Other than going to parenting classes, parents also read parenting blogs to gain more insights. If you are more than open to sharing what it is like to care for your child as a stay-at-home mum, why not set up your own blog and show the people what goes on behind the scenes? You can share a day in your life, share your favourite recipe, parenting tips for new parents and many more! Once you have successfully gained regular readership for your blog, you can make money from sponsorships and digital product offerings.

Music and movement coach

Children are naturally drawn to music. And music has been proven to improve children’s development—their social skills, motor skills, language skills and many more. Seeing how beneficial music and movement is for children, pre-schools will hire a music and movement coach to teach children music and movements once every week. The class usually lasts for an hour, so if you have some musical talent up your sleeve, you can give this career a try! With only one hour to spare every week, you can commit to two to three classes per week. If you are interested, click here.

Mothers, you have spent years taking care of your family, changing diapers, and making sure that no one sleeps hungry. So now is the time for you to prioritise your wants and needs. If you wish to re-enter the workforce without affecting your role as a mother, give these jobs a try, as they give you enough room to spend sufficient quality time with your loved ones.

We hope that we have affirmed the idea that it is completely possible to be a mother working from home! With enough courage and determination, anything is achievable. 

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